Blue Australorp Chicken: A Unique and Versatile Breed

blue australorp chicken

The Blue Australorp chicken also known as blue australorps or simply australorp chickens is a popular chicken from Australia that has striking blue feathers and is great for meat and eggs

They are friendly and easy to care for and with the right conditions, they lay eggs consistently all year.

The following is a quick breed overview of Blue Australorp Chicken

Quick Breed Overview Of Blue Australorp Chicken

NameBlue Australorp
Breed TypeDual-Purpose
Availability TimeJanuary to October
Available LocationAustralia
Egg SizeLarge
Egg ColorBrown
Egg Production Start Time24 to 28 Weeks Of Age
Egg Production Quantity240-260 Per Year
– Mature Weight
– Male8.5 lbs (Pounds)
– Female6.5 lbs (Pounds)
Life SpanUp to 10 Years
Growth SpeedSlow
Maturity Period12-13 Weeks
Comb TypeSingle
Leg StyleClean
Heat ToleranceLow
Cold ToleranceHigh

Topics Covered In This Article

What Are the Physical Features Of Blue Australorp Chicken?

Blue Australorp Chickens are large in size and primarily blue with white wing tips, chest, and abdomen. They have single combs and very clean, white, and black legs and feet.

The plumage may vary from slate to deep blue. The adults have blue plumage.

They have a mature weight of 8.5 lbs in males and 6.5 lbs in females.

Their growth speed is slower than other chickens. They become fully matured in 12-13 weeks after birth.

You can also check our Article On Padovana Chicken if you are looking for something more stylish and italian.

What Is the History And Origin Of Blue Australorp Chicken?

Blue Australorp Chickens first originated in Australia in the early 20th century and in the 1920s finally arrived in America.

They originated from the Black Australorp Chickens in Britain and mated with Langshan blood to uplift their status to meat and egg birds.

In 1922 and 1923 a small flock of six Australorp hens produced 1,857 eggs, or more than 309 eggs per bird in 365 days.

This chicken also holds a record for producing 364 eggs in one year (365 days) according to Zoosa. (1)

What Is the Purpose Of Having Blue Australorp Chicken?

They are a dual-purpose bird which means that they can be used for meat and egg production.

They lay from 240-260 eggs per year which is a lot compared to other hens.

Owners can use this bird for egg production for some time and then can have it as meat which makes this a very good deal.

How Many Eggs Can Blue Australorp Chicken Produce?

Blue Australorp Chickens produce 240-260 eggs per year.

They are very well known for their egg-laying abilities as six hens laid 1,857 eggs in 1922 and 1923 alone.

They also hold the record for 364 days in one year (365 days) which makes them a prolific layer.

Their eggs are medium in size and are light brown in color.

They start laying eggs at 24-28 weeks of age.

With proper care and nutrition, these chickens can continue to lay well into their later years.

This means that even as they age, Blue Australorps remain productive members of the flock.

Their ability to consistently produce eggs ensures a steady supply for households or small-scale farming operations.

To optimize egg production, it’s important to provide suitable nesting boxes where the hens can comfortably lay their eggs.

Monitoring broody behavior and addressing any issues promptly will help maintain high levels of productivity.

What Is the Temperament And Behaviour Of Blue Australorp Chicken?

Blue Australorp chickens have unique behavior that makes them an excellent choice for both experienced and novice chicken keepers.

The following are some of it’s key traits

Docile and Friendly

Blue Australorps are known for their friendly and docile nature.

They are easy to handle and interact with, making them great companions in the backyard.

Whether you’re an adult or a child, these chickens will happily socialize with you.

Calm Demeanor

Unlike some other chicken breeds, blue Australorps tend to be calm and non-aggressive towards humans and other animals.

This makes them ideal for families with children or households with other pets.

Active but Steady

While blue Australorps have an active nature, they do not exhibit excessive flightiness or nervousness.

They enjoy exploring their surroundings without constantly being on edge, which can make them more manageable for those new to chicken keeping.

Well in Confinement

Blue Australorps are known to be a very good chicken in confinement as well.

They are able to tolerate it which is better compared to other chickens who just simply cannot tolerate being confined.

Their main joy is still to be in a free-range but their adaptability makes them very special for flock owners.

What Are the Benefits Of Raising Blue Australorp Chicken?

Raising Blue Australorp chickens offers several advantages for those looking to have their own sustainable source of meat and eggs right on their property.

Some of the benefits of raising blue australorp chicken are

Sustainable Meat and Eggs

By raising Blue Australorp chickens, you can enjoy a continuous supply of both meat and eggs without relying on external sources.

This self-sufficiency ensures a reliable food source for you and your family.

Dual-Purpose Birds

These chickens are dual-purpose, meaning they are suitable for both meat and egg production.

This eliminates the need to dedicate separate breeds solely for meat or egg purposes, saving space in your coop.

Friendly Temperament

Blue Australorps are known for their friendly nature, making them easy to handle during daily care and maintenance.

Their calm demeanor allows for stress-free interactions, making chicken-raising an enjoyable experience.

Visually Appealing

With their unique blue plumage, Blue Australorps add a touch of beauty to any flock.

Their striking appearance makes them stand out amongst other chicken breeds, creating an aesthetically pleasing sight in your backyard.

What Are the Potential Drawbacks of Raising Blue Australorp Chicken?

The following are the potential drawbacks of raising blue australorp chicken:

  • Space Requirements: Blue Australorps need more space due to their larger size.
  • Prone to Obesity: They can easily become obese without a balanced diet and regular exercise.
  • Broodiness Interruptions: Some individuals may experience broodiness, affecting egg production.
  • Availability and Cost: Blue Australorps may be harder to find and more expensive compared to other breeds.

Even though there are some problems with Blue Australorps, many people still choose to have them because they lay pretty blue eggs and can be good company.

But before getting your own Blue Australorps, make sure you have enough space, time, and things you need to take care of them properly.

How to Raise Blue Australorp Chickens?

To successfully raise Blue Australorp chickens, it is essential to provide them with a spacious coop and run area. This will allow the birds ample room to roam and exercise, promoting their overall health and well-being.

Here are some of the things that should be fulfilled to raised blue australorp chickens

  • Ensuring access to fresh water, high-quality feed, and appropriate supplements is crucial for optimal health and productivity. Blue Australorps thrive on a balanced diet that includes grains, greens, insects, and commercial chicken feed. Supplements such as calcium can enhance eggshell quality.
  • Regularly cleaning the coop is necessary to maintain cleanliness and comfort for the chickens. Proper bedding material should be used to provide a cozy environment while also absorbing moisture and odors.
  • Monitoring the behavior, health, and egg production of your Blue Australorps regularly is vital. By keeping a close eye on these aspects, you can identify any potential issues promptly. Addressing problems promptly can help prevent further complications down the line.

Key Takeaways From This Article

Raising Blue Australorp chickens is a good and fun experience. They give lots of eggs and meat. They are friendly and can live on small or big farms.

Blue Australorps lay around 240-260 eggs each year. This is great if you want fresh eggs all the time.

There are many benefits to raising Blue Australorp chickens. They can live in different places and are easy to handle, which is good for families with kids.

But there are some problems with raising Blue Australorps. They can be attacked by predators because they are calm. Some may have health issues because of their genes. Take care of them and check their health often.

To raise Blue Australorp chickens well, give them good food, a safe place to live, clean water, and space to move around. Keep an eye on their health.

If you want to add Blue Australorp chickens to your farm, remember they need attention and care. Follow the rules given above and they will give you eggs and meat.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I eat the meat of Blue Australorp chickens?

Blue Australorps are considered dual-purpose birds, meaning they can be raised for both meat production and egg-laying purposes.

The meat is flavorful and can be enjoyed as part of your culinary creations.

Are Blue Australorps good for small backyard flocks?

Blue Australorps are known for their friendly and calm behavior, making them suitable for small backyard flocks.

They adapt well to different environments and can provide a steady supply of eggs.

How many eggs can I expect from a Blue Australorp hen?

Blue Australorp hen can lay around 240-260 medium light brown eggs per year.

This makes them an excellent choice if you’re looking for a consistent supply of fresh eggs.

Does Blue Australorps require special care?

While Blue Australorps are generally hardy birds, they may require additional protection from predators due to their docile nature.

Regular health checks and proper care, including providing a balanced diet and clean water, are essential to ensure their well-being.

Can children be involved in raising Blue Australorp chickens?

Blue Australorps’ friendly nature makes them ideal for families or individuals who want to involve children in the process of raising chickens.

It can be a great opportunity for kids to learn about responsibility and animal care while enjoying the benefits of fresh eggs.


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  1. AustralorpWikipedia

Last Updated on 28 February 2024

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