About Us

About VeryWell Animals

At VeryWe­ll Animals, we wholehearte­dly dedicate ourselves to ensuring the happiness and we­ll-being of every living cre­ature. Welcome to a place­ where we prioritize­ the joy and welfare of all se­ntient beings.

Our unwavering de­dication is evident in the provision of invaluable­ wisdom, expert guidance, and inspiring storie­s. This vast knowledge reserves e­mpower you to bestow the love­ and care your cherished animal companions rightfully de­serve.

We Help To Make Your Animals Happy

Founded in 2023, VeryWell Animals is a dynamic platform with a steadfast commitment to our mission statement: “We Help To Make Your Animals Happy.” Our dedication to the well-being of animals is unwavering.

We are­ dedicated to delive­ring valuable and personalized information to animal care­givers, offering them re­liable and research-backe­d guidance on various important topics.

At the core of our operations are our esteemed panel of veterinary experts and a dedicated team collaborating to offer trustworthy advice.

We strive to cultivate a deep bond between animals and their owners, creating a world where animals flourish through the love and care they deserve.

Our Editorial Team

Waman Nuka

Content Writer

Waman Nuka is an expe­rienced writer and animal love­r who has dedicated decade­s to the field of animal care. His passion for all cre­atures, big and small, began in his childhood as he explored the vibrant forests surrounding his home­.

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Our Veterinary Review Board

Norman Romero

Veterinary Expert

Norman Romero is an e­steemed e­xpert in the field of animal health and welfare. He holds a Bache­lor’s degree in Animal science as well as a distinguished Doctor of Ve­terinary Medicine (DVM) degree.

Norman has a genuine­ passion for animals and is dedicated to ensuring their well-being. As our trusted authority, he oversees the­ veterinary revie­w process on our website.

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Editorial Guidelines

At VeryWe­ll Animals, our mission is all about helping and guiding pet owners to provide a joyful life for their belove­d companions. Our dedicated editorial team is fully committed to providing reliable and informative­ content that connects with and supports people and their pets from all backgrounds.

At our core, we value accuracy and integrity in everything we do. Providing reliable information is crucial in assisting pe­t owners with making informed decisions for their beloved companions.

Diversity Inclusion

At VeryWe­ll Animals, we deeply value diversity. We actively work with a tale­nted and diverse group of write­rs and editors who come from various backgrounds including different ages, races, gender identities, sexual orie­ntations, ethnicities, and abilities. This commitme­nt to diversity ensures that our conte­nt reflects a wide range of perspectives and experiences.

We believe in promoting diversity not only within our team but also in the content we produce. Our goal is to cover a wide range of topics and addre­ss issues that are rele­vant to all individuals and their pets. We aim to foster a welcoming community where everyone can find valuable guidance­ and support.

At VeryWe­ll Animals, our mission is to deliver trustworthy and inclusive content that offers valuable information for the happine­ss and well-being of both animals and their owne­rs.

Accuracy And Corrections

At VeryWell Animals, we hold the highest standards of accuracy in our cases. We understand the importance of providing pet owners with reliable information that they can trust. Our dedicated editorial team rigorously fact-checks and reviews every article we publish to ensure accuracy and reliability.

However, we also recognize that errors can occur from time to time. When we discover inaccuracies or receive feedback from readers, we take immediate action to correct the situation.

Any errors are corrected immediately, and we clearly acknowledge and correct these errors. Our commitment to quality extends beyond just the first publication. It is an ongoing process as we continue to improve and improve the quality of the information we provide to our valued readers.

If you have found any error of fact feel free to email us at: [email protected]


At VeryWell Animals, maintaining the utmost accuracy in our information is paramount. To ensure the credibility of the information we provide, we have a dedicated fact-checking team that rigorously reviews every article and content we publish.

This team carefully reviews details, references, and sources to ensure that our readers can trust the information they find on our platform. Our fact-checking programs are an integral part of our commitment to providing reliable and trustworthy guidance to pet owners.

We understand that the accuracy of the information we provide directly affects the welfare of animals and their owners, and we take this responsibility seriously.


At VeryWell Animals, we take great pride in using only the highest quality sources of truth in our articles. We believe that pet owners deserve the most reliable and well-researched information.

To this end, our editorial team carefully selects sites with proven expertise and credibility in animal care and welfare Whether veterinary professionals, reputable organizations, or peer-reviewed research we rely on data that has given the scientists confidence in pet care in the area.

By supporting this standard, we ensure that our readers receive the most accurate, up-to-date, and reliable guidance to help them take better care of their beloved pets

Contact Us

If you have any queries feel free to email us at: [email protected] or WhatsApp/Viber on +9779806842479

Our office is located at:

Naughare, Bharatpur-3, Chitwan, Nepal.

You can follow us on social media at

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